
"Let's go out and buy a statistically average meal from a large multinational restaurant chain. That usually fixes about seventy-five percent of life's problems."

I never know when the newest Douglas Coupland book is coming out. Actually that's not true: the newest book comes out after I stop checking to see when the newest book comes out. It usually comes out about a week before I wander into a bookshop and randomly look in the "C" section. The only exception to this is when I sent Mel transatlantic to get me a copy of Eleanor Rigby, because it wasn't scheduled to come out soon anywhere around here.


See you in hell, 2001 and 2002 tax seasons!

A crushing burden has finally been lifted, and it would not be possible without the help of my lovely girlfriend.

If we move to Savannah, will any of you visit us?


A dream of mine:

That Guy vs. That Other Guy

Brought to you courtesy of my having watched Lebowski last night and Batman today.

P.S.- Dear Christopher Nolan: Alfred the Butler is supposed to speak in Recieved Pronunciation. I love Michael Caine too, but he's strictly working-class in the accent department.


My friend and collague, DF, while listening to Aldo Nova's Fantasy:
"When I was twelve, I thought nothing could ever be more metal than this song. Maybe some sort of song written by robots. Robots with laser guitars. But this song already kind of sounds like that, so I guess I was right in the first place."

I am honored to work with the finest.

Also, [belated] birthday wishes to my [slightly-older-than-me-but-much-much-cooler] main man, b!