
Last night:
Fun times with B- and J-, this summer's must-see duo. And Mel and I are responsible for their meeting! What is is about matchmaking that is so satisfactory? Also, finally decided, once and for all, that the best thirst-quenching summertime brew is PBR. No further research or discussion is required. This hangover is a mother, though.
One note- if you are playing acoustic instruments, then there is no need to amplify them to glass-shattering levels. Especially in a smallish bar with an audience of approximately three people. I mean, if the fucking Who was in there, playing My Generation at stratospheric decibel levels, well, that's one thing. But you, sir, are no Pete Townshend. And no one should have blood coming out of their ears after a rendition of Michael Rowed the Boat Ashore.

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