
It's 0400 EDT, and I can't sleep. Took the redeye out of Vegas, got in to KSAV around 9, went to sleep immediately. Now my sleep schedule is all fucked up. The trip was fun. Saw Batman (in IMAX), Penn & Teller, and a bunch of roller derby freaks. Drank something called "Ass Juice". Won some money at video poker. Lost some money at craps. You know, the usual Vegas experience.
Really, though, I attended a few seminars, and I think I learned some things that will really help the other referees and me to improve the officiating at our bouts. I hope.
I really need to sleep. Tomorrow I have to do something about the lawn here at the rental. Josh took his lawnmower, and the place looks like a jungle already. I guess I will try and find a used mower, since I'll need one for the new house anyway. Speaking of it, maybe I'll head over there tomorrow and bask in its glory. And pull up some carpet. I also need to order some stuff for this damned motorcycle. Simple little things like circlips and fork balance tubes have hung me up longer than they should have. I hope everyone else is getting some rest, because I'm not.

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