
I'm writing this from the fabulous Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Woo.

Closing went off without a hitch. Easiest thing I've ever done. Thanks to everyone for their support.

The flight here was the one of the most painful experiences of my life. Due continuing sinus problems, my left ear would not equalize pressure properly, reslting in near-paralyzing pain for almost four hours. Yes, I know all the little tricks for getting ears to pop. No, they didn't work. Trust me, I've been flying for thirty years. When we got here, Mel revved up and went gambling, I had a few drinks and collapsed in a coma while the overly loud band at Harrah's outside bar played "Rock You Like A Hurricane" until 0300 or so. This year's Rollercon is shaping up to be less entertaining than last years, or maybe I just need to change my attitude.

In other news, what do you call someone who dosen't write or call his best friend or six months, and misses his birthday? A bad friend. Or Chris. Same thing.
I'm sorry, b. I'll call you when I get home.

1 comment:

Inspired... said...

NOW can we go to Ikea? huh? huh?